Re:Al Muhajabat henna?
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Posted by Kenzi on February 16, 2000 at 23:46:43:
In Reply to: Re:Al Muhajabat henna? posted by Nick on February 16, 2000 at 20:07:19:
It sounds truly strange. I would trust your intuition that there is something odd with this henna. If it were just an old batch you would just see a lighter stain, not bleeding and strange sticky consistency. In that sense, henna is not that mysterious...just a powder made from leaves. As someone else said, the bleeding may be caused by too much moisture, but you would also notice that the paste was not dry but ozzing out past where you put it initially. And I can't imagine that normal pure henna powder, even if it where old, would stain toenails grey. I remember when you posted that comment before and no one seemed to have ever heard of such a reaction. I have heard of some people having problems with their orders from Al Muhajabat (never arrived or arrived late, couldn't get in contact with anyone there), but others have had no problems at all with them. Maybe they will answer an email if you ask them what's in the henna. You do have the right to know. If they insist that it's a secret recipe, you probably should stay away. Hopefully they will disclose what is in there. I will be bringing back some henna from my trip to Morocco. Take a look at my site for more information and if you want me to put some aside for you, just drop me a line (there are email links throughout the site).