Re: cleaning out jacquard tips
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Posted by Kenzi on February 17, 2000 at 23:51:57:
In Reply to: cleaning out jacquard tips posted by lisa on February 17, 2000 at 23:29:26:
: I'm having a bitch of a time cleaning all the henna out of my : microfine jacquard tips. I'm sure there's some dried stuff lurking : around because I keep getting lots of clogs, and this batch of paste : is smoother than my last one. : Anyone have any hints on how to get every last bit of henna out of the : tips? It may be too late for this now, but as soon as you finish with a tip, just drop it in a bowl of water, preferably hot water. Even if you might use it again in 10 minutes, it's better to get then in water before the henna dries. For your tips that already have dried henna in them, put them in hot water and leave them overnight. This should at the very least loosen any dried henna that's in there, and then you can scrape it out. For the very tip, try using a twist-tie with the paper/plastic peeled off...just poke it in there from either side and slide it through, and twist it around. Then run water through the tip. For the wider part of the tip I usually use a q-tip. Run water through it again to get rid of any dislodged henna paste. It should be pretty clean by now. I usually take a small mouthful of water and blow it out through the tip and make sure that the water coming out is free of henna. That should do it. The best idea is prevention...always soak the tips, even if you are only going to let it sit there for 10 minutes. And when you're done working, don't leave the tip on the bottle, and put the plastic cap on the bottle to make sure that the plastic tip doesn't get dried henna in it. If you get clogs while working, just blow into the bottle, pushing the clog back into the paste, then shake the bottle to redistribute the paste and get fresh, smooth stuff up near the tip.