Re: black henna burns!!!!!
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Posted by john on February 18, 2000 at 01:22:32:
In Reply to: black henna posted by John on February 18, 2000 at 01:11:03:
: i applied some black henna on my arm. 4 hours later took it off. it : left a very dark good design. three days later the color faded and : exactly where the color was my skin started to rise like swelling or : as i remember as a child, like poisen oak would appear. two weeks : later the black color is completely gone, but my skin is raised and : red like a scar and itches mildly. cool scar tattoo if thats what a : person wants. i dont mind the fancy scar but how do i make the : swelling go down and keep something weird from happening?? a friend : said clean with distilled water and apply pure aloe-vera. the : pharmasist thought that if it is infected to apply neosporen or : something like that but it did not look like an infection to him. an : infection would be somewhat spreading, and warm and thats not the : case. its only scarred and red where the color was. Any : answers????????????????/