Re: Cone-a-phobia!
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Posted by Rupal on February 18, 2000 at 02:21:43:
In Reply to: Re: Cone-a-phobia! posted by Kenzi on February 15, 2000 at 01:35:33:
Watch out for freezer bag plastic in general -- of course, it is the thickest plastic really readily available, but they stretch a great deal, unfortunately. Perhaps you might have better luck asking about plastics available at the hardware store. hope this helped! ~Rupal --------- : : : Are you using the handrolled indian cones? Is that what you mean : by : : cones? If so, why don't you switch to my preferred method - pastry : I am rolling my own cones using heavy plastic from freezer bags. I : used Catherine's instructions and the cones turned out great, but I : was disappointed with the leaking (even fully taped and clamped shut : with a binder clip), the clogging, the uneven tip size and the wavy : lines. : : tips! If you are interested in trying my method, I will send you a : : little kit & instructions. Pastry tubes are great! If they get : : clogged you simply use a bamboo skewer to push the clog out -- and : : you have absolute uniformity of lines. I always know what tips to : : use for a job -- 00L, 0L, 01, double or triple dot or variable : : bands. : : Let me know - I can send you instrux when I get back from Estrella : : Wars! : I would like to see what you are using so maybe you can send me : photos or give me brand names. I am pretty happy with the jacquard : bottles and was just trying the cones because of raves from this : list, especially about how easy they are on your hands. The bottles : have another bonus which I didn't realize until I used the cones: : little henna wastage because I can close the bottles up when I am : done, whereas with the cones they were wrapped up so tight (or were : covered with leaking henna paste) that it wasn't worth trying to : salvage the henna paste inside. : With your pastry bags, how fine of a line can you get, compared with : the Jacquard tips or cones? : By the way Kree, I have your poppy design up at my renovated website : with a credit and link to your site. If you go to the link below and : go to the henna galleries you will see it. It's part of my Moroccan : design section. Thanks again for that lovely drawing.