Re: Cool Black Henna Paste !
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Posted by Navaid on February 19, 2000 at 20:28:32:
In Reply to: Re: Cool Black Henna Paste ! posted by Kenzi on February 18, 2000 at 22:48:12:
My completely safe Black Henna Paste being imported regularly in small quantity by Henna/tattoo salons , where their clients comes regularly. :-)) : : USA and europe by some well known henna dealers, and upto this date : : there is no complain of any sort by my buyers nor any artist, even : the : Usually the complaints are not from buyers or artists but from the : clients, and they usually only have a reaction a week or more later. : Because of the delayed reaction, they may not be able to tell the : artist or buyer of their reaction, especially if they had the henna : done at a street fair or in another town while travelling.