Paper towel and saran wrap lovers...
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Posted by Giselle on February 20, 2000 at 05:23:02:
Hey there! Guess what. Petsmart now sells a plastic-backed paper towel called Oops!. It's a $1.99 per roll (unless you live in California where I think the price of everything is twice that from the rest of the blessed country). The rolls aren't real big. The idea is to use them when you want to wipe up something icky that you don't want to soak through the towel onto your hand. We've had these for a while and it just now occurred to me that I would like to try them as a wrap. Like a 2-in-1 type deal. I usually use paper towel or tissue to cover a design, wet it with lemon-sugar, then wrap with saran wrap. I figured the plastic-backed paper towels would work just as well. I wish I could show you a picture, but unfortunately I cannot seem to find it on the website. Which is odd, seeing that the website carries more items than the store does, and that Petsmart owns Oops. I can tell you, though, that if you go into your local Petsmart they should have a display of it in the front of the store somewhere with a sample roll out. It's really quite nice. Petsmart also sells a small pet bed warmer for $29.99 that's about a foot and half long by 4 - 6 inches wide. That would be nice to use, too, when needing to keep body parts warm. You just have to be near an electrical outlet. I like the idea of the flaxseed/rice bags better, though -- more aestheticly pleasing. Hope this helps...