Re: your back piece
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Posted by Lisa on February 21, 2000 at 07:20:05:
In Reply to: your back piece posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on February 21, 2000 at 00:13:22:
: BTW ... I really like that back piece on your henna page! It's : absolutely delightful! ...... and anyone who quotes Shel Silverstein : is definitely cool! : I wonder if there could be a category in those exhibition catelogs : called "transitory fine art"? I'd kinda like to see that! "Ephemeral : fine art" would do.... Thank you very graciously. That back belongs to my husband, and I wasn't done with it, but my hand was cramping and he was tired of holding still. The balance is off in the lower right corner. Oh well. A transitory fine art category would be a great find in those catalogs and show categories!! On Silverstein: What a marvelous thinker, he gave such a gift to popular literature! I have been inspired by his writing since I was 7, I can remember the school librarian would always line us up and give this 5 minute spiel about duey the decimal, seemed like forever. Then he would release us to pick our books, I would always race over to grab whatever Silverstien titles were left on the shelf. Funny memory, nice to have someone recognize Shel besides me. Thanks Catherine.