a very useful mat for festival season
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Posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on February 21, 2000 at 14:13:50:
I was hoping I could find this info on the web to pass along to hennafolks ... and located it ... from a reliable company I've delt with for years. They're called xpen mats. They're wonderful henna mats. These are very useful, decent looking, inexpensive woven plastic rug/mats that are wonderfully helpful in outdoor festival hennaeing! The plastic mats at the link below can be unfolded at any festival site so your clients will have a clean place to sit or lie down when you henna parts other than hands .... and they can relax on them while their henna dries, or sit around looking at pattern books. I have a dozen or so of these, and have travelled with them for years. These are the mats we used under the apple tree and in the banquet glade last year at Sirius Rising , and people kept asking where to find them. I love the 6x8's and the 9x9's! A mat lasts about 5 years of heavy festival use. They fold up small. They're lightweight. They hose off clean. They're great for picnics, camping, .... festival use anytime you want to keep yourself, your clients or your wares out of the dirt! This is the only solution I know of for doing a tummyfull of henna at a festival without having your poor client lie down in on the ground. Why is this on a dog supply site? Purebreed dog owners in the summer outdoor dog show circuit put their carefully groomed dogs on these mats to wait in pristine tidiness until it's time for them to go into the ring. You can't let your angelic platinum primped up poodle just go roll in the grass before showtime!