Re: Hennaeing previously polished fingernails and toenails
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Posted by Kenzi on February 23, 2000 at 02:15:21:
In Reply to: Hennaeing previously polished fingernails and toenails posted by Susie on February 22, 2000 at 13:58:56:
: Is there any special technique for hennaeing previously polished : fingernails/toenails? I can't seem to get any color on them though my : palms and soles take quite nicely. Finger/toenails do not stain as readily or as darkly as skin. But you can get them to stain in several ways. First of all, do like you would to any henna design, dab it with lemon-sugar mix, wrap it up, keep it warm and sleep on it. You can also try NewSkin on it to keep it in place. The other method is to keep applying henna several days or even weeks apart, and eventually you will have quite a dark stain. I experimented with henna on my fingernails by drawing designs in dots. I chose a design that would look good as my nails grew out. I did the lemon-sugar, the wrap and the heat and still the design come out very light. It is still as dark as it first was and is almost completely grown out.