Re: Allergic reaction to Henna body art
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Posted by Melanie Russell on March 20, 1998 at 23:16:48:
In Reply to: Allergic reaction to Henna body art posted by Becca on December 04, 1997 at 08:14:07:
: Hi ! My problem is that my 10 yr.old son got a Henna tatto and when it started to peel off his arm got sort of swollen and really red. Anyway now 4 wks later it"s still there; red, swolen, and ithurts a little bit. What could I do ? and What could my son be allergic to from the Henna? What should I use on his arm? HELP ME PLEASE!!!! Hi. take yur son to an alergist recomended by your local childres hosptial for a -compleate- allergy test. A reaction like what you have described is indicative of a storng reaction, which could men he has had an aniphalatic reaction, which get worse with each exposure. ask the person who applied the tattoo for a list of the ingrediants and make sure you sone is tested for those. to help the reaction ease off, soak a folded paper towel in a mixture of water, baking soda, and flour, place over the tatoo and leave it there until it dries, it should help take out the dye. if this fails to work, try glue, non-toxic white glue. Put a dalop of glue into a plastic bowl, and apply some to your hand and mush it until it's a putty, add more and more of the glue until you have a ball of the putty texture. apply some to the tatto and gently kead and fold it until it looks like it is picking up the colour. throw away used dis-coloured putty and repeat with more of the clean white putty. This ought to work. I use this when trying to remove dye and paint from the crevises of my fingers and hand after painting, I'm an artist. I know it sounds silly, but it works. Oh, and remember to clean area with warm soapy water after either removal attempt. Welbond glue works best btw, takes longer to dry out, and is easyest to make into putty. -Melanie Russell, althya@aol.com