Good idea
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Posted by Catherine Nielsen on February 23, 2000 at 21:35:01:
In Reply to: Transfers (again!) posted by NaturGirl on February 23, 2000 at 19:43:09:
OOOh! Clever idea! Do let us know how it goes. : I appreciate all the suggestions I got the first time I posted it : really helped me find a direction. I tried something this morning : out of desperation/inspiration (I'm too cheap to spend $20 on a : medical skin pen) I tried drawing a line in ballpoint pen on paper : and touching it to my skin that I had applied alcohol to (still wet) : Guess what! It worked! I got a definite line that was not too dark : but that stayed put, so I am going to try making a transfer with : ballpoint ink and applying it to my skin to see how well it works for : applying a design, and will let you folks know how that works! If it : works well, I will have found a good, cheap, easy way to make : transfers. I wouldn't think the trace amount of ink that rubs off : would cause much of a problem, although if anyone has heard : differently let me know, Wish me luck! I'll post when I know more!