PPD is a "Dye" NOT a colour / Catherine !!
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Posted by Navaid on February 28, 2000 at 19:13:33:
In Reply to: about like Ford Prefects's estimation of the planet Earth posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on February 18, 2000 at 23:36:58:
Because of your authentic comments on henna usage and its properties and the way people on this forum listens to your comments, I dared to titled you as "Great Lady", ofcourse not to startle your husband. In my coloured Henna Pastes I am using only those synthetic colours which are allowed and accepted by European cosmetics standards and on demand of my products buyers, I give them Colour Index Number. This is the reason I am insisting that my Premixed Coloured Henna Pastes are completely safe to apply on skin (even this Black Henna Paste of mine is 100% safe to apply on skin) I doesn't feel comfortable here rectifying you, that PPD is a DYE and you should not amalgate it as synthetic colour. But anyway I know its extremely difficult to convince people on this forum that I am not using/mixing any hazardous chemical or PPD in my Black Henna Paste. Navaid :-)) ****************************************. I think you would help consumers if you were more specific than : "synthetic colour" because ppd can be termed a synthetic colour. : Synthetic colour covers an awful lot of territory......some harmful : and some not. : I'm a bit bewildered by being termed a "great lady". If that's a : compliment, I'm flattered, and thank you. I'll let my husband know : I've been termed a "great lady" .... that should startle him. : Generally, having tried your product, I think I can give it the same : review as was given to the planet Earth by Ford Prefect in the most : recent edition of "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy". I think : most people would give me about the same review......