Castle Art here, if you don't recognize Amy by name
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Posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on March 01, 2000 at 01:29:46:
In Reply to: get it while its fresh :-) (new shipment in) posted by Amy :-) on March 01, 2000 at 00:40:04:
If you've never before treated yourself to henna that naturally, easily stains black cherry color, expresso coffee color, raspberry chocolate color, Irish Setter dog color .... get Amy's henna! Amy is Castle Art henna! Link below to her website. I recommend Amy's Castle Art henna ABSOLUTELY. Reasonable prices, fantastic service, SPLENDID traditional henna powder! Her secret is freshness, freshness, freshness! (and it helps that she's a sweet lady just running her business from home, not marking her henna up to support a big staff or store). If you want to see what color her henna comes out, email me. I got lotsa pix to show you.