Oh, to have a class of my own
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Posted by Anne on March 01, 2000 at 21:42:47:
In Reply to: Teaching connected stuff posted by Eliz. R on March 01, 2000 at 15:26:14:
: You can also get an amazing lot in with science. Think of all the : chemistry experiments that have gone on here - and also the weather : and climate-related stuff about growing the plants, about henna vs. : woad, etc. Ah, when I get my own classroom. (Right now I am halfway through my student teaching.) At the moment, I can't really affect the ciriculum that much - other than short little things, as I did after the Indian dancer (if I had known she was coming, I would have left off my brace and worn a binid). I wanted to do a little something for Chinese New Year, but there just wasn't room. :-( I'm teaching Reading, Social Studies and Writing, so I can't really get in to the science of it all, but I think I will try to sneak the henna in to the Writing, even if it's something like, Here are the steps on mixing and applying henna - put them in what you think is the right order. We'll see. We're reading Where the Red Fern Grows, which is set in the Ozarks in the 1930s or so. I don't suppose Catherine knows of some secluded country sect of the Midwest which practiced the ancient art of henna under the sycamore trees when there were no raccoons to hunt . . . ;-) Best, Anne