Sirius Rising
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Posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on March 02, 2000 at 02:17:54:
In Reply to: Khaki colored henna... and a few questions. posted by Nick on March 01, 2000 at 20:01:34:
The Second Sirius Henna Conference will be held during Sirius Rising at Brushwood Folklore Center, July 10 - 16 .... near Chautaqua N.Y. We already have tentatively scheduled classes in: Henna history (the whole 9000 years worth, back to the Neolithic), Moroccan henna traditions, Home cultivation of henna, a Hands-on seminar comparing henna from different sources and the results of different recipes, a Hands-on seminar comparing different tools and technique, Henna chemistry and skin, Henna on fabric, leather and drumheads, Meanings of patterns traditionally used in henna, Traditions of henna: wedding, circumcision, warfare, sacrifice, birth, death and seduction, .... and some related classes in rangoli, henna and other bathing and purification traditions, Tuareg traditons and lots and lots of dancing and drumming. Every evening we henna together under a big apple tree .... and ALL the money earned from hennaeing at Sirius goes into buying food for our banquet/dinners together every evening. (No henna artist should come to Sirius expecting to make money from henna ..... this is a LEARNING and SHARING situation) Sirius Rising as a whole is a festival that emphasizes "hands-on" classes in arts, folklore and magic. There are blacksmithing classes, dance, batik, drumming, yoga, Tai Chi, ..... there are usually about 60 classes available, and most of them are free. There are bonfires every night, hot showers, a pool, a hot tub, and free concerts .... on 80 wooded acre campground, that is Brushwood Folklore Center. The camping fee for Sirius is $12 a night. Last year most of the henna folk camped and ate together. There are nearly 30 people from the forum who have already contacted me intending to go to Sirius Rising! We'll have an absolutely wonderful time! We certainly did last year! If you are a henna professional, this week will be tax-deductible for you, because it is a week-long henna business seminar. Email me if you need to know more about "Camp Henna"! Go to the link below for more info on Brushwood Folklore Center and Sirius Rising.