light brown stains
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Posted by Anne on March 02, 2000 at 12:07:38:
Hej, On Tuesday, I came home and found my mom experimenting with a tube of Shelly henna paste - just trying out designs and all that. When she was done, I picked it up and redid the flower on my hand (outline only) and then did the tip of one of my fingers. I didn't leave the paste on all that long 'cause I'm still teaching and I can't have anything *too* obvious on where the kids can see. Anyway, the paste left a really nice subtle light brown stain that's hard to see unless you're close. I like it, but I was wondering if there was a way to get this type of colour from henna paste that you mix up yourself. As it is now, I can get almost black stains on my fingertips from Amy's henna, even when it's just mixed with lemon juice. Any suggestions?? ----Anne