Carrot Bag availability
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Posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on March 02, 2000 at 20:52:51:
Carrot bags are in at the local shop again .... the soft triangular plastic bags with one seam, that make great instant henna cones. (Different from frosting bags, but similar) I'm posting this for anyone who would like to buy them in bulk. The shop says say they'll get them in anytime for anyone who is willing to order a minimum of 100. They'll mail them to you. That will get you a great price, if you're a big henna user, but inconvenient if you don't know if you'd like them, or wouldn't use 100 in a lifetime. If you send me a SASE, I'll send you 2 free so you can try them. I'll have a jpg shortly that shows how I use them (easy, easy, easy!) Looks like Amy of Castle Art will carry them soon so you can get fewer than a lifetime supply. If you do want to buy them by the 100, contact : The Sweet Shop 3065 Graham Rd. Plaza Stow, Ohio, 44224 330-678-3710 and ask for Cheryl. Castle Art should have them shortly , and they are linked below. That will probably be your best bet if you want between 1 and 100. If you want to see the line quality you get from a carrot bag, email me .... with well sifted powder, I can get finer detail than with any other tool, and I never get any hand cramps. I freeze leftover paste in them. You just pinch out any clogs .... no poking. They are soft but hardy, so you can henna for 10 hours without a pumpkin colored henna hand. Great for teaching classes where you need 50 cones of henna pronto ..... great for henna parties ..... great for efficient use of leftover paste. Carrot bags aren't everybody's favorite tool. They're my favorite, though. Natasha uses hers with pastry tips. I use mine with just the tip snipped off. The Sweet Shop has one other useful little thingie .... this is called a turkey bag or skeleton bag. This is a hand-shaped bag with lots of extra room .... JUST EXACTLY the right size to slip over a hand that has been ns'ed and tp'd! Makes tidy looking wrapping really easy, with every finger separated! I think they're 10 cents each. Making your own henna kits to sell? A carrot bag and a skeleton bag would be very, very helpful!