Morocco mailbag....henna hustling
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Posted by Kenzi on March 03, 2000 at 11:54:32:
Greetings to all fellow forum followers. I am writing from a cybercafe in is just me and two 10 year old boys playing computer soccer across from me....outside the lovely strains of a generator, the sun bearing down heavily and the dust blowing. I had to tell you about my first little henna experience here. I have had my eyes peeled for anything henna related and my first night here sitting in the central market eating I observed a very agressive woman wearing a jellaba (hooded robe worn by both men and women) and a headscarf, hounding a group of Italian tourists. You usually dont see women doing this, and certainly not at night. This woman was working hard at getting thse Italian tourists to pay attention to her and the tourists just wanted to escape not realizing that they were being herded into a cluster like antelope by lions. The true nature of this dance became apparent to me when I spotted the young boy following the woman around, carrying her book of henna patterns, shoving it in the faces of the women in the group of tourists. The women couldnt resist the attraction of the pictures for long and started going through the book picking out their designs. The woman whipped out her syringe and got to work standing in the middle of the market. I wolfed my meal to bet able to go see the woman at work with her syringe (without becoming her next quarry). She did handle the syringe pretty well but I was a little disappointed in her designs: not particularly fine or interesting, but I had to remember that this is a hustler and not an artist. I am still looking to learn this syringe technique and will report back with my findings. I hope everyone is well...more later.