annual means another chance next year
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Posted by Catherine Cartwright Jons on March 04, 2000 at 14:46:25:
In Reply to: OOOH! I'd love to come! but I don't know if I can!:-( posted by Nick on March 04, 2000 at 11:29:47:
The Sirius Henna Conference is at Sirius Rising, July 10 - 16, at Brushwood Folklore Center, Sherman, New York, link below. Sirius Rising is an annual event, and if you can't make it this year, we'll hold a place in the hot tub for you and hope you can make it another year! link below to the Brushwood site: email me for more info about Sirius Henna ..... if you think you'll be coming,let me know, and I'll send you updates on organizing, classes, the banquet glade and the rigorous napping, sunning, swanning about and playing schedule.