Make mehndi, not war....
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Posted by Lise Anderson / Andalusia on March 23, 1998 at 15:35:15:
Wowee -- I'm off my computer a week and all hell breaks loose here. I have to say that, as a long-time fan of and contributor to this board, I too miss "the old days" when this truly seemed to be a place to freely share ideas and knowledge with each other. I do like finding out about new sources for henna and supplies, but NOT IN EVERY OTHER POSTING BY THE SAME COMPANY/ PERSON!!!! And I wish that new people to the board would take the time to first scroll through and read all the previous postings before asking their question, as it probably has been answered numerous times before. I guess it's inevitable that things change, as mehndi becomes more popular more people will be trying to get in on it.... I'm sorry to see it become so competitive and pushy; I believe that as a mehndi artist, besides providing a good quality and beautifully executed design (in accordance with the client's wishes), one should strive to provide an enjoyable and memorable experience, in an inviting atmosphere. I have had many clients come to me that have had a bad taste left in their mouths because of a bad experience with an opportunistic mehndi company/"artist" who they felt provided sub-par work and charged an exhorbitant fee. I think that more emphasis needs to be placed on working and growing in the traditions of the art, namely providing henna bodyart with love, openmindedness, and honesty. And have a good time! And, yes, I do make a living at this. Gotta pay the bills.