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Posted by SeeSee on March 04, 2000 at 18:30:31:
In Reply to: Cones: how-to posted by Eliz. R. on March 04, 2000 at 15:28:17:
What an excellent drawing of the cone process; it looks like we have a closet draftsperson in our midst! I must admit though, I make my cones with no henna in them, and then fill them. That way I can look down inside the cone and shove some tape down in the other side of the seam so it is more henna-tight. I also can adjust the hole size by wiggling the edges of my sheet of plastic back and forth. I tape it all around except for the top, then I add the henna and roll the top of the cone down. It took me a few tries to learn how to get the henna into the cone and not everywhere else BUT the involves a very good sharp edged plastic spatula (once was white, now green).