a different pot, a different lid
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Posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on March 10, 2000 at 15:02:06:
In Reply to: Re: err on the side of caution posted by Jennifer on March 10, 2000 at 09:18:17:
Sports tape is good in some spots, bad in others. I used in on my hands overnight ... and as my hands relaxed in sleep, the sports tape contracted in to keep things tight .. and I woke up at 3 am with my hands in a painful cramp because the tape had repeatedly contracted in like a python ... not fun! If you use sports tape, use it on something that doesn't fold in when you're sleeping .... like an ankle. Micropore tape is great unless you're using it on clients who can't resist the urge to peal it back for a quick peek! It's a thought though to use micropore, then cotton or tp, then a skeleton bag (or clingwrap) in cold climates! I think the best answer is to master and have on hand every possible technique, and use each at the most appropriate time.