not a bourgeois capitalist stencil post
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Posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on March 24, 1998 at 21:46:45:
Another source for people who want henna stencils: Dover Books publishes some lovely stencil books...the most appropriate ones for hennaeing are "Traditional Stencil Designs from India" , 2,286 Traditional Stencil Designs" and "Celtic Stencil designs". If you can find white or clear contact paper at a hardware store, trace these designs onto the contact paper (or in a pinch, a big Avery label or bumpersticker), cut it with an exacto knife and set to work with skin and henna. Dover Publications is at 31 East 2nd street, Minneola, N.Y. 11501-3582 , and I believe their catelog is free. Most bookstores carry Dover paperbacks.... (Personally, I have no problem whatsoever with commercial posts, ...we all gotta feed the bulldog)