Re: Navneet Books
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Posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on March 14, 2000 at 09:14:33:
In Reply to: Navneet Books posted by Vickie on March 14, 2000 at 09:01:56:
Most people got their books in 2-3 weeks ..... mine took longer because Navneet doesn't have a "State" spot in their address slot for the USA, just India .... and if they forget the zip code, things get delayed in the routing. My package went to Stowe, Vermont, instead of Stow, Ohio....then it got back here. Hmmmm....maybe I ought to mention the State thing to their webmaster. Navneet is one of those things that REALLY rewards you for patience! That book order will be one of the best things you ever put on your credit card!
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