Re: The original article
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Posted by Jeremy Rowntree on March 16, 2000 at 10:18:22:
In Reply to: %^&*yes they've got henna confused with ppd posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on March 16, 2000 at 00:52:28:

: I'd love to help henna on this one, but I don't know where to aim : the information to! Well, here is the picture of the damage, and the article is linked below. It doesn't look as if the subject had any black dye on them, but then the text implies that the picture was taken at least 10 days after application. My impression is that PPD could have faded completely in that time. Would anyone care to confirm or deny this? Having checked through the article, I see no evidence that the authors attempted to identify the exact ingredients of the mix which was applied. The references appear to document genuine reactions to henna itself, but this article doesn't give enough evidence to confirm that this was what was seen in this case. I've emailed the authors asking if they have any more evidence that wasn't included in the article, and filling them in on the other likely culprits for this reaction - PPD, clove oil, tube preservatives, etc. I'll report back if I get a reply.
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