Re: Dark, darker, darkest, burns, thanx.
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Posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on March 17, 2000 at 17:36:54:
In Reply to: Dark, darker, darkest, burns, thanx. posted by Nick on March 17, 2000 at 15:46:10:
For the ammonia thing ... I say no children, because I don't want children to have painful accidents. That's mostly a "mom" thing. If you have well calloused, firm skinned hands from sports, the ammonia should be fine for you, but do it when parents are home to help you rinse quickly if you should accidently splash some on tender skin or on a cut. If your hands are soft and sleek from using the computer more than a hockey stick .... don't do the ammonia. It's too harsh for soft hands. If the burn was healed over, the henna shouldn't have done it any harm. I occasionally get brown freckles from hennaeing skin that is broken. (Henna pattern passing over cat scratches, that sort of thing). I have one henna freckle from hennaeing over a cut 10 years ago.
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