Re: henna - eastern or western?
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Posted by Natasha Papousek on March 23, 2000 at 08:32:18:
In Reply to: henna - eastern or western? posted by Sahiba on March 23, 2000 at 06:28:20:
: When you get henna applied is it because it :has an 'exotic' eastern image, because it is a trendy western :accessory, or simply because you think it's pretty? I got interested in henna b/c I was taking bellydance lessons and I wanted to learn more about Middle Eastern arts and culture in general. So for me, henna started out as a dance accessory. But I was soon captivated by the long history, the variety and beauty of patterns, the process of making and applying the paste, the metamorphosis of the stain from bright orange to whatever shade it turns (cinnamon, burgundy, sienna, brown) and its transition as it fades.
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