Re: henna - eastern or western?
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Posted by Kenzi on March 23, 2000 at 22:37:01:
In Reply to: henna - eastern or western? posted by Sahiba on March 23, 2000 at 06:28:20:
as having an eastern origin. When you get henna applied is it because it has an 'exotic' eastern image, because it is a trendy western accessory, or simply because you think it's pretty? Pls do write in...thanx! Good question. I think that a lot of people who are really serious about henna started because they had some kind of connection to a culture that does henna; maybe they are bellydancers, maybe they went to a friend's Indian wedding, maybe they dated a Turk, maybe they had a Tunisian roommate etc. etc. I think it's hard to put your finger on what makes us want to adopt such practices which are not part of our culture....each person has to ask her/himself that question. It is perhaps because it is exotic and exiting, but not only because of that. Sometimes aspects of another culture really speak to you on a level which is hard to describe. Perhaps it is the music of a particular tribe, the textiles of another, the jewelry of yet another and then the henna designs of another, or all. Anything not of your own culture or your own experience is exotic, in a sense...foreign, different, curious. We don't all want to become involved in everything that is different from ourselves, but some of us do...maybe that should be the focus of a research project: what causes certain people to be drawn to the exotic, the different? For me, I was exposed to travel, languages, foreign cultures etc. from a young age, so it was a part of my life to explore and be curious. I wonder how others came to their interest in henna. Talk amongst yourselves...
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