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Posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on March 24, 2000 at 09:36:46:
In Reply to: Re: Results of Ammonia on wood posted by Liisa on March 24, 2000 at 09:06:28:
Henna dye is hennotannic acid....ph 5.5 or so. Ammonia is ph 13.5 or so. Acid + base react ..... and form a percipitate.... In henna .... under the right conditions ammonia will percipitate the red henna to black. I just use plain, non sudsing, no fragrance household ammonia. That's 10% ammonia and 90% water. Don't try it on tender skin, like arms and legs, because it will burn and exfoliate the skin before it makes the henna black. However, on toughened palms and soles, I get my henna to go velvet black with henna. Email me if you want the ammonia rant. For wood and fabric..... ammonia ouchies, stinkies and stingies aren't a problem like they are in skin.....so go right ahead!
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