didn't get the email
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Posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on March 26, 2000 at 17:24:16:
In Reply to: Catherine Cartwright Jones I wrote u letter about gif but u have not responded.I am intrested in chemistry behind henna.. posted by atul mulay on March 25, 2000 at 07:03:12:
Every email I have recieved I've responded to ..... (last I went through the stack) so try again. Sometimes I write my email addy wrong. That screws people up. Sometimes I get 50 emails a day about henna, and if I'm on a lecture circuit, and away from the computer, I can potentially screw up a huge pile of emails..... I try to get back to every one, but I'm certain I haven't gotten one from you, but your friend said she'd forward the molecular structure of hennotannic acid to you .... and I sent it to her.... anyway.... I'll send the chemistry rant to you in the morning (tonight I'm a little fried from being out of town becuse I was mistaken for someone knowledgeable and important yet again....) (had a helluva lot of fun, though!)
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