Re: awesome!!!!!!!!
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Posted by nicki garner on March 26, 2000 at 17:51:06:
In Reply to: awesome!!!!!!!! posted by nick on February 09, 2000 at 20:23:15:
: : I just finished an upgrade of my website. Much of the information as : : been updated, but most importantly, I have added a lot of new photos : : and a ton of new drawings. The drawings are organized by type. The : : categories are Moroccan, Tuareg, lotus flowers, radial motifs, : : designs for fingers and toes, designs for hands, Aztec designs and : : Japanese Mon. : : Hope some of it will be useful. Let me know. As usual, please feel : : free to use any designs in your henna, but don't take my designs as : : your own. I am willing to exchange links, so if you don't see your : : site on my list, drop me a line and let's talk. Enjoy!
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