Re: traditions
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Posted by Anne on March 27, 2000 at 05:44:32:
In Reply to: Re: traditions posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on March 26, 2000 at 22:16:31:
Bagdad in the year 1000? That's one of the best times : for henna as a part of music, arts, and political intrigue I've ever : found. Alas, given the text from which I have to work, we are only touching on the European Middle Ages, with maybe on paragraph on the Crusades and virtually no mention of literature other than a token reference of Chaucer (though I could be mistaking him for another author - but no Beowulf, no Icelandic sagas, no Dante, no printing press!!). But I'll try to sneak in as much as I can. ;-) Anne
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