Re: Rangoli
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Posted by atul_mulay@hotmail.com(from India) on March 28, 2000 at 00:17:56:
In Reply to: Rangoli posted by Cyane on March 27, 2000 at 09:41:22:
Rangoli & henna r both expressions of art & there r no rules for expressions.I have developed methode of shedding in henna art. For rangoli work also pepole in India use various material like flowers,wooden powder,coal any thing.Try rangoli on water with cole spredding on water with mesh uniformly & then draw on it freehand. it lookes like meracle. ur atul : I have two questions about it: : 1)On the designs and info I gathered, it is said that using dots to plan out your designs is helpful, but it just seems to mess me up. Do people also do rangoli just freehand? : 2)CCJ you said that you could use a henna cone to do the designs, mine are far too liquid for that, and I can't use a paintbrush either. I've just been dripping it from a spoon. It works pretty well, but is extremly messy, and I was wondering if there was any other way for me to do it. : And thank you so much for introducing me to this!
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