after 48 hours...
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Posted by lisa on March 28, 2000 at 11:26:12:
In Reply to: Garlicky update posted by lisa on March 27, 2000 at 11:21:26:
Well, it's been 48 hours now, and I don't see any difference in color. The color's a bit pumpkiny in places, too, because it suddenly got cold in CA. (coincidentally enough, it got cold on the same day I decided to henna and plant seeds.) I think that the garlic-lime would be useful to keep pests and pets away, but that's about it. Speaking of which, has anyone besides me had a problem trying to keep their pets away while hennaeing? I can't leave anything lying around because my bunnies will either put their feet into my scraped off henna oopses, chew on the applicator bottle, or nose a wet pattern.
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