Got NS off fast with steam, then oil
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Posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on March 30, 2000 at 12:01:40:
In Reply to: The New Skin Band Wagon posted by Lisa on March 30, 2000 at 11:21:08:
I got NS off really quickly and easily with steam! I unwrapped the henna after an overnight wrap, put the tea kettle on. I held my hand in the tea kettle steam for about 20 minutes, off and on ..... and then was able to take the whole thing off with a butterknife and washrag. Very little was left. The remaining shreds came off by rubbing in oil. Usually I just shower, and that takes most of the henna and NS off ... and whatever doesn't come off, I just rub in oil and that dislodges even the most stubborn bits in 24 hours. If I could find a way that nails down really delicate henna patterns with the same precision, quickness and reliability, I'd use it! So far .... I'll only trust my fiddliest work to NS. That .... and it doesn't attract bees at outdoor henna gigs. Ask your pediatrician if New Skin would be safe for your childs ouchie. Many people find New Skin really helpful for abraided areas that you can't stop using, .... like tennis blisters, guitar blisters, bowling blisters. They just paint NS over the scab, and it protects the skin and supplies a durable surface to keep using. Only your pediatrician could say for sure whether that would be OK for a child, though.
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