Skip the pre-mixed stuff
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Posted by Kenzi on April 03, 2000 at 18:17:04:
In Reply to: pre-mixed VS do it yourself posted by james on April 01, 2000 at 22:27:34:
Speaking from personal experience, don't bother with the premixed stuff...anything you make yourself will be better, even if you make mistakes. I had my first henna experience with a Shelly cone of pre- mixed henna and I was completely turned off by it...very hard to manipulate, grainy dryish paste and pale color were the results. Awful. I almost gave up on henna..I did give up until I was bored one day and tried mixing my own paste with vinegar and henna powder. The color I got floored me, and I had only left the paste on for about 20 minutes. I guess you can go with the pre-mixed once, then do a batch of your own mix just to get that thrill from a beautiful result, regardless of the design.
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