serious answers : trial # 8
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Posted by Catherine cartwright Jones on March 29, 1998 at 15:24:24:
Source of henna: Abdel R.Mohammed Harraz, Extra Henna El Kaff, Cairo, Red. Henna was sifted through a fine tea strainer, from 2 tablespoons of henna 1 teaspoon of chaff and grit was removed. Lemon juice was added until henna was the thickness of thick cookie dough. Turkish coffee, with sugar, was added until paste was slightly softer than toothpaste. Henna paste sat 9 hours at 70F. room temperature. Paste was applied onto front and backs of hands, wrists..The texture was so gritty and sandy it was impossible to get a very fine design. The henna paste constantly separated and clumped. The grains of sand were very fine, having passed through a fine strainer, but they were sand nevertheless, and greatly hindered the application of the henna. Lemon juice was applied when henna paste was nearly dry, paste fell off in chunks and had to be repainted. When henna was finally dry, hand was wrapped in cling wrap and left overnight. Room temperature 74F, moderate sweating. Color results: Burgundy to nearly black on fingertips; deep rust and burgundy, brown, brick, bittersweet on palms; inner wrists dirty orange; knuckles and up to nails was a very rich rust color. Aftercare: the color is so dark that the natural flakiness of skin shows up as powdery grey around skin folds. Applications of french fries, fried chicken, (inadvertantly, from fast food meals on the run) musk oil, canola oil, all restored a dark glossiness to the hennaed skin. Pattern results: imprecise pattern due to clumping of henna paste. (Sorta embarrassing, to be honest) Color at day 3: Fingertips still the color of dried blood, but light colored blotches suddenly appear..so fast, you can actually see them appear and spread over a few hours. Blotchiness is present in all hennaed areas on palm, but not on the knuckles and backs of fingers. Palm color is rust colors. Inner wrist just looks dirty. I don't yet know how long this one is going to last, but I wish it would go away quickly: Color was fabulous at first, but the blotchiness is really nasty.