Re: WOW!!!!...love the henna, the photos, the arabic.
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Posted by Kenzi on April 05, 2000 at 18:21:44:
In Reply to: Re: WOW!!!! posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on April 04, 2000 at 17:29:36:
I have said this to you many times via email but i have to say it again....damn, you're good! Not just that these designs so beautifully incorporate the arabic but that you do it in henna. Thanks for humbling yourself to get someone to help you get your photos here. I love seeing people's work and it's especially nice to have it pop up as I read the messages (I am reading this at work where I have the luxury of a fast connection). Keep the photos coming!
Follow Ups:
- Thank you! Catherine Cartwright Jones 18:59:55 4/05/00