Re: Foldy Bits (tm) Wonder Sealant?
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Posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on April 11, 2000 at 22:15:26:
In Reply to: Re: Foldy Bits (tm) Wonder Sealant? posted by NaturGirl on April 11, 2000 at 21:21:13:

NS nailed this sole down so tight I was able to walk around the house, with the henna under wraps, and nary a smudge. I wish there was something less stenchy ... but ...... nothing that I've found nails henna down and boosts color up as effectively. So many other odd uses for NS too .... bowling blisters, guitar blisters, tennis blisters .... and ..... .... the Marines rape prevention classes recommend carrying a can of spray on NS. Sprayed straight into the face of an assailant, NS is more effective than mace, because it glues the eyes shut.
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