Re: new skin & latex
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Posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on April 19, 2000 at 06:16:33:
In Reply to: Re: new skin & latex posted by Kenzi on April 18, 2000 at 22:41:45:
There were several pairs of breasts, and I got several shades of decent chocolate. The best staining were on a woman in her mid 30's who is a supersize woman, and her skin was very warm and not at all glassy. It doesn't seem right to say her skin was toughened, but it did seem to be thicker and more porous than most breast skin I'm familiar with. She's used to sunning herself at Brushwood often .... as opposed to forever being brasierred and covered; perhaps that is the difference. The lesser stains were on a woman was in her late 20's and probably a size 14 .... with rather glassy skin, cool to the touch. Decent color, though. I had both of them sleep as warm as absolutely possible. For working and positioning, I sat on the floor, and had them lie out in front of me with their head in my lap. That way I could reach both breasts equally and do a symmetrical balanced job. I had their friends blow dry the henna while they stayed still lying down, because I was concerned that the flexing of their breasts (particularly with the larger woman) would dislodge the henna if they stood up. With the henna crusty dry, I did a quick, light, NS spray. Then I put on the latex and had their friends go back to work with the blow dryers. When the latex was tranluscent, (so you could see the henna through the latex) they got a dusting of body glitter, and went prancing around through the rest of the evening, putting sweatshirts back on when they got chilly. I explained to them that they were going to have to be quite careful to keep that latex in place and keep their breasts as warm as possible all night .... Fortunately, I have a clientele at Brushwood that REALLY understands that they have to take some responsibility for keeping their henna wrapped and nice overnight to get the best results. It's taken YEARS ..... but they know that if they want a CCJ job, and want it to look like the pictures I've posted, there's a certain amount of bother they just have to put up with. They know what the results will be, so the complaints have pretty much dried up.
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