New Skin Luddite
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Posted by Kree Arvanitas on April 19, 2000 at 09:47:26:
In Reply to: new skin & latex posted by Theadora on April 18, 2000 at 12:49:36:
I have tried several things to seal, including spray & brush on New Skin. I prefer the brush on. HOWEVER I keep coming back to good old sugar and lemon juice. There are two things about sugar & lemon juice that one should know: the TIMING is critical. You must begin to pat it on when the henna is still a bit moist, before it has cracked, but AFTER it has dried to touch. I can't explain any more except to say that experience will tell you the perfect moment to put it on. Secondly, I put TONS of sugar in my solution and heat it with a potpourri burner. This thickens the sugar and lemon (but again, you have to watch that it doesn't get too thick). When I use this method, I only have to put ONE COAT of sugar and lemon on and 95% of my henna is still on the next morning! Even after sleeping, tossing, turning, doingchores, etc. the sugar & lemon hold AS WELL as the NU SKIN and it doesn't look like a skin disease as it starts to peel! so call me a luddite! sometimes technology is unnecessary! I prefer the all natural solution. Use a hair dryer if possible to dry the whole thing so your customers can leave quickly! Cheers! Kree
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