A story about henna application heard at an Indian Fair
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Posted by Carrie on April 20, 2000 at 00:02:44:
An Indian woman who I hennaed at "Indian Cultural Day" at our local museum last sunday told me a great story about how it was done when she was a child. I think she was about 45, so that gives you a frame of reference. She said that the mehndi lady that used to come to her house mixed in a large amount of okra, so the the paste had a very slimy, stringy texture. She would put this in a bowl, and dip the tip of her finger in it. With her other finger, she would start a strand, and pull it really long, and let it drizzle onto the skin. She would draw onto the client from about 12 inches above the skin. The designs were very fine line, and well done. She could apparently draw peacocks, paisleys, flowers, vines, etc, all with wonderful precision. This woman telling me the story thought for a long time that mehndi artists MUST be granted magical powers from Lakshmi!! Carrie
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