Re: serious answers
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Posted by Catherine Cartwright JOnes on April 01, 1998 at 16:41:34:
In Reply to: Re: serious answers posted by Phoenix on April 01, 1998 at 12:36:21:
I've tried 8 different brands of henna from different countries, over The last 7 years I've been doing this professionally. All have different characteristics, because of the natural variations in a wild growing plant across a very large geographic area. We are not talking about American style agribusiness plant genetic controal here... The brand makes a huge difference because the local subspecies of the henna plant are different! I've got 4 brands in the house here now, all of which impart different amounts of dye, with different color variations over different amounts of time and at different temperatures. Skin prep on palms makes a negligible difference, unless the client has sunblock, oil or lotion which must be removed. Skin prep on other parts of the body does make a difference, because there is apt to be more natural oil on the surface of the skin. I've hennaed several hundred clients at this point, gone through many texts on the subject...and make an effort to be meticulous and studious about the subject. 7 years ago, I was a newbie looking for answers and trying every hint and recipe and rumor floating about.....at this point, if I assert something, it's from several times repeated experience, and usually with back up reference sources.