patterns with their meanings and sources
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Posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on April 02, 1998 at 03:41:54:
At www.mehandi.com we have free patterns every month for you, and for those of you who have been looking for patterns, we are printing up our pattern library (bit by bit) for you to order. We're formatting patterns on cardstock so you can keep them in a notebook for your clients to peruse, and every pattern has it's source and meaning with it! When I sit down with a client, I ask "what blessings do you wish to have?" and the conversation begins there. We have patterns that bless the bearer with prosperity, tranquility, joy, or love..one group of patterns are adapted from Pacific tribal art and others from ancient ritual art, while many more are from the North African and Midle Eastern hennaeing traditions, as well as from the Indian subcontinent. We try to draw our patterns to include both traditional and contemporary body art. We hope you will visit us and collect your free patterns, and if you're a professional looking to expand your pattern vocabulary, perhaps you'll consider www.mehandi.com as a source. The patterns are drawn on hands and feet for easy reference (balancing your design across 4 fingers and a thumb is always a challenge!) and you can purchase the pages separately, to make up your own pattern reference book. If you're a henna artist looking for some designs in particular, let us know, and we will work them into our next batch of pattern sheets! Thank you for your time, and for all the compliments you've paid me on this forum and in our e-mail.