Sirius Henna Conference, July 10 - 16
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Posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on May 08, 2000 at 08:24:48:

The second annual Sirius Henna Conference which will take place July , 10 - 16 at Brushwood Folklore Center in Sherman, New York, USA during the Sirius Rising festival. Sirius Rising has over 50 workshops through the week, concerts, and nightly bonfires with drumming and dancing, and has been the highlight of many people's vacations for 6 years. Details of the Sirius Rising festival will soon be available at http://www.brushwood.com . More information about Brushwood Folklore Center is on the website for your convenience! Many professional henna artists are participating in this year's Sirius Henna Conference to exchange information and techniques, and improve their excellence in their art, as well as have a wonderful time making new friends and hugging old acquaintences. This is a wonderful opportunity for henna enthusiasts to be together camping, dining, hennaeing, learning and partying together! Classes of greatest interest to henna artists will include: >Dr. Jeremy Rowntree, creator of the website The Henna Page, http://www.hennapage.com will be attending again, and will direct two of the workshops: a comparison of henna products, suppliers and mixes; and a comparison of techniques and tools. >Matty Jankowski, director of the New York Body Archive, will again present "The Body as Canvas" >Catherine Cartwright Jones do several lectures: The History of Henna from 7000 BCE to present, The Henna Traditions of Mothers and Daughters, Rangoli: Magic Circles and Sacred Spaces, and Harquus: the Face of the Goddess. >Fiona Jefferson will teach Chinese Characters for tattoo and henna artists >Kenzi will teach Moroccan Aesthetic Traditions and Tuareg Traditions, of course including their henna traditions! >Natasha Papousek will lead a delightful workshop called "Bathing Beauties", a hands-on exploration of the history and traditions of the bath from the Roman period to the Hammam, including traditional cosmetics, beauty preparations and LOTS of henna .... the women get to take over the shower house, pool and hot tub for this one! She will also teach "Henna Beyond the Body: leather, fabric and wood" A few of the MANY other classes at Sirius Rising will be: The Midle Eastern Tree of Life: a History BellyDance by Zimra Tui Na: Chinese Massage The Isis and Osiris Myth: mythology and psychodrama, and it's effect on Egyptian society and sexuality Pit Firing, featuring Dragons Eggs! Tarot Palmistry Aphrodisiac Herbs and Perfumes Moroccan Drumming For more information about the Sirius Henna Conference, contact Catherine Cartwright Jones, info@mehandi.com For more information about Sirius Rising, contact it's director: Roy Jones, sroyjones@earthlink.net . For more information about Brushwood Folklore Center, visit www.brushwood.com We hope to see you! Last year, the Sirius Henna Conference was grand fun, and we hope this year will be even better!
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