Re: Andalucian costume and henna
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Posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on October 17, 2000 at 21:21:15:
In Reply to: Andalucian costume and henna posted by Kenzi on October 17, 2000 at 19:52:51:
When you see larger prints of these paintings, you can tell that this is VERY intricately patterned henna, and done with the ammonia or heat trick to push it to black. I think there is calligraphy across the knuckles .... and there is written evidence to support that. There are a great number of paintings from the 12 to 16th centuries that clearly show that the Islamic world, (from Spain to Persia) during the medieval period, had henna that was absolutely as complex and magnificent as it is in India now ... and there is quite a bit of convincing evidence that the henna was a more evolved art form then, involving calligraphy, poetry, political intrigue, performance art ....... the more I find out about it the more I'm stunned at the magnificence of a women's art that was lost!
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