Re: pre-made paste.
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Posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on May 09, 2000 at 09:01:12:
In Reply to: pre-made paste. posted by Kurt on May 08, 2000 at 21:39:27:
MAYBE you'll get a good color with your paste, (some pastes are good, some aren't, I don't know what you have) but I doubt if oil will make much difference. I've never seen oil make any real difference in the comparison tests I've done. What WILL make a difference is the length of time you leave the henna on the skin, and the warmth of the skin. The warmer and longer the paste is on the skin, the darker the stain! Check the "how to" at my site below...... and try to do something to those hands to keep them as warm as possible while the henna paste is on. Wrap them, and have her take a nap with a heating pad on her hands if you're in a cool climate.
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