Re: Fabulous site -- Template question
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Posted by Cyane on May 09, 2000 at 15:54:10:
In Reply to: Fabulous site -- Template question posted by Jayne on May 08, 2000 at 15:33:29:
Trust me, no matter how horrible you think that your freehand designs are, they will get better with practice. When I first started I couldn't even do a triangle. But just practice, a lot. And definatly try the designs out on paper. Over and Over and Over. That has helped me a lot. To correct mistakes I use just about anything with a point. Toothpicks, earrings, tip of a pen or pencil, ect. This is something I wish I had done, maybe draw out each of the designs you do and over time you'll see how much better you've gotten and how much more complicated the designs are over the weeks/months/years. And maybe even take pictures. But always remeber to have lots of fun.
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