Re: Fabulous site -- Template question
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Posted by Kathryn on May 10, 2000 at 10:49:55:
In Reply to: Re: Fabulous site -- Template question posted by D. A. M. Randolph on May 08, 2000 at 16:04:33:
I found a "henna tattoo pen" in a store (the icing) at the mall once. I bought it because it came with a cute design book and I figured that my neighbor (not quite old enough to have the patience) might like it. Turns out I bought another one for her, because the pen works really well for drawing designs out first. I don't do that very often, but a friend created a very intricate design the first time he used henna by drawing it out first with the pen. But practice always makes perfect! Don't give up! :) Kathryn : Hi Jayne, : While I haven't tried the do-it-yourself template method, I have : tried the pen method. The inexpensive washable markers work great. I : will sometimes use a light brown, to mark lines or circles with small : dots. My hands tend to shake sometimes, and this is always a saving : grace. You may also want to collect small objects in different : shapes, to use as guides when doing henna. Coins, odd shaped buttons, : etc. Hope this helps.
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