Blackened and sinister ....
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Posted by Catherine Cartwright JOnes on May 10, 2000 at 20:44:04:
In Reply to: mehendi posted by jasmine on May 10, 2000 at 14:58:49:

Email me if you want the instructions on how to do the technique using just plain henna in this picture. It's mostly harmless (though ammonia is stenchy and can be stingy) , it's traditional, and at least it is in the hands of the person who does it. Not yours. This one has been partially blackened with ammonia (trying to imitate a Renaissance ink on parchment drawing)..... and sinister because I am severely right handed, and I did this one with my left hand on my right. (The drawing wasn't too bad, but I can't seem to hold and focus the camera worth a damn with my left.) The dye in question is ppd. Don't use anything that has ppd anywhere in its ingredient list. (don't use anything that DOESN'T have an ingredient list!) You can seriously harm yourself and your clients if you use it. There are certainly alternatives to inflicting chemical burns on yourself and others with a known toxin.
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